Friday, August 30, 2013

Lesson 10 - Foolish Alienation

IV) Alienation of the worker from other workers. 

Here's a great example of alienation that I find crosses my mind quite frequently:

Sometimes it honestly makes me sick and unnerved with desperate hope to ever, in my life, see enough money to rectify my debt of around $30,000. That would be such a large sun of money and it should be treated the same amongst those of a higher disposition who wish to connect to humanity as an entity rather than separate groups. Why does anyone need a 14 million dollar house? Ever? Nothing you surround yourself with will ever soothe the stinging in your heart because you allow it to continue to fester inside. I'm disappointed to have believed in the possibility of overcoming the divorce between societal classes but I know better, foolish me.

Fools, we all try to elude the reality that will hunt us down and catch you with its teeth at the ankle.
I know the realism principle to love and I know you can't possibly feel that connection with an illusion. I, thankfully, am no fool in this regard. I am a fool in the capability of change in humanity. 

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